Democracy in Hell

by flammeusgladius





Before the votes are tallied, you can tell

how wrong you were to bring things to a vote:

the Devil has democracy in Hell


and loves it. Keeping easily afloat

upon the Lake of Fire, he works the crowd:

“How wrong you were to bring things to a vote,


my friend! Down here, where everything’s allowed,

a fallen angel rises to the top:

upon the Lake of Fire, he works the crowd


confidently, just like a traffic cop.

Because they know they’re worked and love to know,

a fallen angel rises to the top


without dissimulation. On the go

forever, lost souls know that I’m their man

because they know they’re worked and love to know


I’ll wield the whip as freely as I can

forever. Lost souls know that I’m their man

before the votes are tallied: you can tell

the Devil has democracy in Hell.”




–Tom Riley



(First appeared in The Lyric, Summer 1988.)