Flammeus Gladius

Carmina et Verba pro Discipulis Meis

Tag: silence

Vow of Silence

Vow of Silence

Give up talking?
Wouldn’t it be easier to
give up listening?

–Tom Riley

Et Nemini Quidquam Dixerunt

Et Nemini Quidquam Dixerunt

The women fled, and didn’t say a word
To anyone. That’s what we read in Mark.
The Twelve were left completely in the dark.
From startled witnesses they never heard—
In the original. Is this absurd?
I think not. Shell-shocked witnesses embark
On ships of silence still – and duly park
Their bones where testimony won’t be stirred.
On Easter Morning, that is my temptation:
Maintain a sullen silence and assume
That someone else will render a summation
Of gospel truth and of the empty tomb.
Resisting here, I give my attestation:
I feel Christ’s risen presence in the room.

–Tom Riley

Trivial Gab

Trivial Gab

Am I drowning in trivial gab?
For vain words am I some madman’s lab?
Silence, people, is peace—
But it doesn’t increase.
I have hopes for my time on the slab.

–Tom Riley

Know Jesus

Know Jesus

“Et daemonia multa ejiciebat et non sinebat ea loqui quoniam sciebant eum.”

–Marc. 1:34

Because they knew him, Jesus shut them up.
I notice, sir, that you talk quite a lot.
With wisdom’s wine you fill most every cup.
Or so you seem to think. Me, I’d say not.
I’d say your brand of wisdom ain’t so hot.
I’d say your style of preaching ain’t so cool.
I’d say your holy incense smells of rot
in timbers that uphold the Golden Rule.
I’d almost say that you’re a goddamned fool.
But no! I shall withhold that accusation!
Perhaps yours is a sage and subtle school.
Perhaps yours is sublime indoctrination.
Jesus you name. You claim to know him, too.
I therefore pray the Lord will silence you.

–Tom Riley

Epitaph to Be Envied

An Epitaph to Be Envied

When he didn’t
have anything to say, he
didn’t say anything.

–Tom Riley

Blessed Silence

Blessed Silence

Thank Heaven that
the angel Heaven sent had
nothing to say!

–Tom Riley

Rest Is Silence

The Rest Is Silence



I’ll wear black and be Hamlet today.
Once I act, I’ll have nothing to say.
You can speak in my stead.
Everyone will be dead—
But the questions will not go away.



–Tom Riley








Do you speak long and wisely?  You do—

Or we say that you do.  There are few

     Who deny you such powers.

     But you’ve been speaking hours.

Why not let blessed silence ensue?






–Tom Riley

Noted Speaker

Noted Speaker

We begged him for his wisdom.  He just belched.

We angled for his wit.  He only farted.

His latest set of foes had not been squelched.

Afraid of a response, he never started

To speak.  And we went slowly, broken-hearted,

Into the silence he declined to fill.

Our humble aspirations were discarded.

The lack of inspiration crushed our will.

After a while, thought got a chance to spill

Over the edges of our emptiness.

We analyzed our memories – and ill

They seemed then.  Could it really be?  Yes, yes:

This silence was the best that he could do;

His speeches had been farts and belches, too.

–Tom Riley