Sloppy Chess

by flammeusgladius

Sloppy Chess

I just now lost my latest online game.
I left a knight en prise, and then my queen.
My old friend alcohol is not to blame.

Sloppy chess, folks, is not a cause for shame.
One must be self-forgiving on that scene.
I just now lost my latest online game

against an idiot — or so foes claim.
My plans were all undone. Move 17.
My old friend alcohol is not to blame

for anything. If aging brain grows lame,
why, let age stand accused when courts convene!
I just now lost my latest online game–

but victory and loss are much the same
after a while. Although regret seem keen,
my old friend alcohol is not to blame

for my defeat. Opponent overcame.
I need another drink is what I mean.
I just now lost my latest online game.
My old friend alcohol is not to blame.

–Tom Riley