The Worm at the Heart of the Empire

by flammeusgladius

The Worm at the Heart of the Empire

They took the statues down, renamed the bases.
Now gender reassignment is the cause
That’s in their leaders’ ultimate good graces.
The woke worm will decide, folks, where it gnaws.
Perhaps it once assailed some unjust laws.
That was an arbitrary taste – and brief.
The bones of great men now are in its jaws,
And common decency grants no relief.
The liar and the pervert and the thief
Are models that the culture now promotes.
The Yankee Empire thus will come to grief
Even as the deracinatrix gloats.
The world will yield to neo-righteous chat,
You’re telling me? Oh, sure. Good luck with that.

–Tom Riley

(News from West Point: General Lee out, transgender graduates in!)