Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica

by flammeusgladius

Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica

“Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division.”

The Benedictine Sisters Blah-Blah-Blah
Oppose that kicker’s speech, seek unity
With all that triumphs in America:
With trannies grooming kids unceasingly,
With Baby-Killer Joe, who has to be
The most moronic character to fake
His way into the White House ever. Me?
For input from such cunts I do not ache.
Their brand of unity is a mistake
Forbidden by the God Who Rules on High.
I wish their mouths would give my ears a break.
Their order, it is clear, will shortly die.
They do not have the backing of the Lord—
Who brought not peace (as they claim) but a sword.

–Tom Riley